Q1 2022 Report
Prepared by: Martin Bencher Group
Editorial: Digitalization
This time, we introduce a new feature to the Market Intelligence Report: a specific editori- al topic of the quarter, changing from time to time. Please do not hesitate to contact the ed- itorial sender or the communication depart- ment, if you have any questions or comments on the current topic, or to the Market Intelli- gence Report in general.
So, before digging into the market report, we start off with this editions’ editorial, focusing on Digitalization, which is a big step in our 2022 Strategy that supports and strengthens our vi- sion significantly: Logistics made easy. Martin Bencher focuses on the customer: we want to meet their requirements which means constant development and innovation. The world is moving and so are we. Today it is obvious, that Digitization is one tool to develop and support customer require- ments, and therefore Digitalization is also in- cluded in our 2022 Strategy.
One important step in Digitalization is good data. What is good data? In Martin Bencher, good data is accurate and up to date. This is a continuous task, but as a group, we have im- proved a lot over the last years and still are.
Why is good data important? Good data assist us as a company to make smarter and better decisions. By doing so, we naturally also use this to give better service and possibilities to our customers. Better combinations to opti- mize our services, an overview of our suppliers, which improves our quality, we can also sup- port customers with data, which they may not have in-house.
CO2 Emissions on shipments have been a wish for a long time, and now, through data, we get CO2 emission estimates (according to interna- tional standards) on 99% of all shipments we create within seconds. This is our tool to assist our customers to make more clean decisions.
We believe the best way to develop is with our customers and suppliers, therefore we are also open to ideas and input. Our Digitalization can only improve when we develop together, so reach out to us – if we don’t reach out to you first.
Thomas Lind Jensen CIO